Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fresh fruit

Okay, we all know we should be eating more fresh fruit and veggies.

Here's a great way to get more servings and enjoy them as fruit, without having to try to work them into things and hide them!

I've found just cutting the fruit up into nice bite size pieces or finger food pieces makes it disappear. I often cut up whatever is ripe and fill a plate, then use that as a side dish. In this case it's 2 mangos, 4 kiwis and an orange we had with breakfast today. Almost any meal goes well with a fresh fruit plate! I often try to make the plate look pretty arranging it like a flower, but if I'm in a hurry I just pile it all on there - it's still just as easy to eat and just as delicious!

Try it - slice up an apple or whatever you have around, and see if you actually stop procrastinating and eat it!

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