Friday, January 30, 2009

Corn Syrup

Has anyone else noticed the recent ad campaign about corn syrup, and found it ridiculous?

We've already seen studies that corn syrup is metabolized different than sugar. Now there's news that 9 out of 20 samples of corn syrup studied contained mercury, as a byproduct of the way corn syrup is removed from corn. And many products sampled that contain corn syrup - surprise! Also contained mercury.

So I'm avoiding corn syrup whenever I can. Not being totally nutso about it, but if I have a choice between roughly equivalent products and one has it and the other doesn't - I'm choosing the one that doesn't!

I think we're going to stop buying packaged granola bars and flavored yogurts too. Easy and much cheaper to buy plain and make my own flavored yogurt, and make our own granola bars using honey, sugar or maple syrup.

This seems like a great time to exercise our ability to let our purchases influence what is available. If we don't buy contaminated, unhealthy products then they don't sell and products without ingredients like corn syrup will be more widely available. Let's all make the change!


  1. You know what's weird? Remember your post on how to make your own granola/cereal bars? Well that night I dreampt that I made my own granola bars and they were sooo good! Hahaha, I woke up and was dissappointed because I didn't have them after all!
    I agree about the corn syrup hype. It only makes sense that the more natural the sweetener, the easier it is for your body to break it down.


  2. Those granola bars are soo good! Really easy to make too, you should try it! The only parts you really have to have are cereal, sugar, honey and peanut butter - you probably have those already and it seriously only takes about 5 minutes to make them. They're really yummy!
