Monday, February 2, 2009

Stuffed Cabbage

These are soooo good! Easier to make than it seems. A little time consuming, but worth it!

Stuffed Cabbage

1 head cabbage (I used purple since it was on sale, I usually use green)

1 lb ground lean turkey

1 1/3 cup shredded cauliflower (I shredded with cheese grater)

1/4 cup finely chopped onion

1/4 cup parmesan
1/2 tsp worchestershire sauce

1/4 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp pepper

1/2 tsp italian seasoning or herbs of your choice

1 can diced tomatoes

Boil a large pot of water, enough to cover cabbage.

Meanwhile, cut core from cabbage, discard core. Isn't it pretty in the middle there?

When water comes to a boil, use large tongs to put the cabbage into the water for 4-5 minutes. Move cabbage to a plate, peel off outer leaves that are cooked and softened. Set leaves aside and return cabbage to water for 4-5 more minutes. Repeat until all leaves large enough to work with are cooked.

Meanwhile, prepare filling. Combine turkey with cauliflower, onion, parmesan, worchestershire sauce, garlic, pepper and herbs.

When all the cabbage leaves are cooked, begin filling. Fill each cabbage leaf with turkey mixture, about 1/4 cup for the largest, most take less depending on size. Fold in sides, fold up stem end then roll top over like a burrito. Place seam side down in baking pan.

At this point you can put them away for later if you want. Just put foil over the top and into the fridge. I like to assemble them during morning nap time so I know there are no "little helpers" in the kitchen when I'm messing with boiling water. Or you can cook them right away.

When you're ready to cook, just top with tomatoes, cover with foil and bake at 350 for 1 1/2 hours.

I shred the stem and large coarse pieces of cauliflower to make this filling, and cook the nice florets as a side dish. Just pile them in a casserole dish, cover and bake alongside the stuffed cabbage. A little cheese or lemon on top makes them yummy!

These are in the fridge for now, I'll post pics of dinner after they're cooked :)

If you love stuffed cabbage but don't want all the hassle, this is easy to make into a casserole too! Just quarter and coarsely chop up the cabbage, then layer cabbage and filling into a casserole dish instead of making rolls. Top with tomatoes and bake. Yum! Not as visually appealing, but tastes just as good!

..and here's a picture of dinner ready to go!

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