Monday, February 2, 2009

Planting a few more things

The weather is starting to warm up here already. We're expecting a few more chilly days or storms before spring is 100% here, but I decided to plant a few more early things anyway. A couple nights in the 30s should be okay.

I filled up one of these HUGE plastic pots I picked up at Kmart on clearance for about $5 and put it in the corner of the patio. It took 3 bags of potting mix! I put it on a small cinderblock so it can drain since they were out of the drip dishes for this size. I planted several kolrabi seeds in the middle, with a half circle of carrots in front and a half circle of beets in the back.

You can see that my carrots in the container on the left and spinach on the right are doing well right now, getting bigger. There's a larger green pot off to the left off screen which has baby mustard greens and a couple scarlet runner beans that haven't popped up yet. I planted a couple sugar snap peas near the front edge of that pot, yum!

I planted some nasturtiums in these hanging pots. Hopefully they'll hang over the edges and look really pretty! If they do, I'll add some pansies, johnny-jump-ups and violas to these pots. I have them sprouting in Jiffy greenhouses, but they're not growing much.

These are my tomato sprouts. I had them indoors. They sprouted easily and quickly, but have gotten taller than I'd like and aren't putting out real leaves. I moved them outside in the shade yesterday, hopefully getting a bit more sun will make them turn into at least a couple healthy plants for me. These are grown from the heirloom rainbow blend from Gurneys, I'm a little excited to see what colors I get! That is, assuming they grow for me. I never have much luck growing from seeds.

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